-Tropical rain forest
-Tropical savannah
Tropical rain forest: It rains almost every day of the year. Its humid and warm during the year. Temperatures are of 80* F (27* C). There is a lot of vegetation. Every year rains 80"of water. Places with rainy forests are South America, Asia, Africa and The Caribbean. The forest of greater pluviocity is the "La Cuenca del Amazonas".

Tropical savannah: The winters and the summers are humid and they have high temperatures the whole year long. There is a smaller amount of trees. Places with savannah are Africa, South america and Central America, Asia and Australia.

Desert: They are dry areas with little vegetation. Annually rains 10'' of water. Tremperatures vary, the day is warm and the nights is cold. They occupy 1/3 of the Earth. The vegetation is made up of cactus and grass. Places with deserts are Sahara (North Africa) the west of United States, South America and Australia.

Steppe: Dry areas with no trees but do have pastures. It rains from 10'' to 20'' annually. Places with steppes are in East of Europe, West and central Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Australia.

Average Latitudes:
-West marine coast
-Humid subtropical
-Humid continental
Wets marine coast: Oceanic winds bring fresh summers and humid winters. Abundant rain areas let grow much vegetation. Places with west marine coast are Pacific coast of North America, Europe, south America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Mediterranean: They have smooth and rainy winters and sunny and warm summers. Vegetation includes trees of little growth. Places in the Mediterranean are the South of California and parts of South Australia.

Humid subtropical: It rains most of the time and maintains humid. The vegetation consists of prairies, forests and trees. Places located in the humid subtropical are the United States, South America and Asia.

Humid continental: There are breezes, precipitation and high tides. Winters have more snow and longer days. The summer is cool and shorter. The vegetation is similar to the coasts of the west. Places like Canada, Russia and China are regions of humid continental.

High latitudes:
-Ice cap
Tundra: It is cold. It has width in the Earth thickness. Places with Tundra are located in the North hemisphere (high parts).

Subarctic: It is colder than the Tundra. It's temperature is similar to the one in the South part of the Arctic circle.

Ice cap: often there are 2 miles of thickness in the ice layer. The indirect rays of the sun give constant light but little heat. There are no trees because the snow. Places in the Ice cap region are Greenland and the Antarctic.

Highlands: While more high the temperature, more cold it is. The vegetation varies according to the height of the place they are located. The bases of mountains are made of dense areas of forest. Mountainous chains in the world are part of the highlands.

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